April 30, 2007

April 25, 2007

improve my painting skills

The last two weeks I tried to improve my painting skills
Here is the results (I painted these from photos):

~20 x 28 in

~20 x 28 in

And I’m currently working on a new design for my blog!
Still in beta.

April 11, 2007

Home of bears & wolves

This past weekend we went to the Home of bears & wolves. There you can see “42 brown bears and 26 European grey wolves, in one place”. BTW, they were separated from each other:). The bears come from some closed Zoo, or Circus, or found near by cities. Far from happiness, but they have no choice. If this place does not give them home, then they would be killed.

April 3, 2007

wedding invitation design

My friends asked me, to design a wedding invitation for them. I made seweral drawings for them to select from.
On this image, what you see abowe, I just set a little composition from these drawings.
Finally, the printed invitation is in my hand already. I will scan it, and post it later.:)